Grawnd tal-futbol Football pitch

Hemm verżjoni waħda ta' dan is-sinjal. Agħfas il-buttuni hawn taħt biex tara l-istampi, il-kitba u l-vidjow.

There is one version of this sign. Use the butttons below to view the photographs, signwriting and video.

  • Sketch
    Stampi, kitba u vidjow 1
    Pictures, signwriting and video 1

Is-sinjal għal GRAWND għandu żewġ partijiet. (i) L-ewwel parti tixbaħ is-sinjal għal KAMRA. L-idejn jieħdu l-forma ta’ 1 bil-pala tħares ’l isfel u l-werrej jimxi f’linji dritti, l-ewwel min-nofs għal ġenb imbagħad lura u fl-aħħar jerġgħu lejn in-nofs. (ii) It-tieni parti tixbaħ is-sinjal għal FUTBOL. Id waħda tieħu l-forma ta’ 5 magħluq u titqiegħed bil-pala tħares ’l isfel waqt li l-id l-oħra tieħu l-forma ta’ 5 magħluqa u mgħawġa jew forma ta’ ponn bil-pala tħares ’l isfel u titqiegħed taħt il-pala ta’ l-ewwel id, tmiss magħha. Imbagħad l-idejn jaħbtu ma’ xulxin xi darbtejn jew iżjed.

The sign for FOOTBALL PITCH consists of two parts. (i) The first part resembles that for ROOM. It is made with both hands that take the shape of 1. The palms face downwards and the index fingers move in a horizontal direction, first from the middle to the side and then backwards and finally towards the middle again. (ii) The second part of the sign resembles that for FOOTBALL. One hand is held in the shape of closed 5 with palm facing downwards whilst the other hand in the shape of closed curved 5 or of a fist with palm facing downwards is held under the first hand. The hands hit each other twice or more.